I met Miwako back in 2011.
I was 36 years old then and ready to start my journey to find someone to share my life with.
Miwako made me feel comfortable from the very first time we met. I was open and honest in our conversations and I knew she would match me with the best possible people that I could be compatible with. I met my wife through Miwako and we now have a daughter who is 7 and a son who is 4.
Without her or her service my family would not exist. I can't thank her enough for helping me find my forever happiness.
Thank you Miwako!

Thank You So Much


Hi Miwako-san,

Thank you for your Help again! 


It has been over 11 years since I found you after searching for a solution and I am So Happy that I did. It has been over 10 years of Marriage to your Connection and I am a Happy Father and Husband, thanks to you! You have continued to support me through the years with some of the difficulties as the misunderstandings and I am Very Grateful. You are always there, you answer your phone or call right back and you always answer your messages. you are Great!

I realized that it was over 4 months of Dating before I found my Wife and you were there supporting me the whole time. You are an Angel! Thank You Again So Much! I will always be Grateful for your Support, Help, and Guidance. Thank you again and again. I will be looking forward to staying in touch. 

Take Care,


Thank you so much for providing me with your service, I didn’t know what to expect when I agreed to meet with you. You are such a nice person and what you do has changed my life. I like that you interviewed me before accepting me and it made me feel comfortable that everyone gets interviewed, the first two women were very nice and then you introduced me to my 3rd date. She is amazing and I instantly had a connection with her. I thank you with of my heart for doing what you do. We are now married and I’m so grateful to you
Tomoko and Ben

I met Miwako back in 2017 for a brief coffee. After meeting with her.


I thought to myself “does this really work?” In my doubts, I waited until recently here in 2022, to call her and take a chance. Her prices were insignificant so what really did I have to lose. After meeting just a few ladies, I would have never imagined that I would find a woman that would grab my heart from our very first date. 


She’s smart, beautiful, funny, and has similar personal values as my own. From that first date I knew I found the woman that would play a leading role in my life and it’s been wonderful. 


Thank you so much Miwako for listening to my desires and producing a beautiful person that is now an important part of my life!!!


Thank you so much for introducing me to H.
I am so graceful.






























I’m very  satisfied with Miwako's Asian connection. I have met a very amazing Japanese woman  i’m very happy getting to know and sharing culture and this never could’ve happened unless I used Miwako's Asian connection .
Thank you

Miwako is an absolute professional and pleasure to  work with!  She makes meeting fates easy and fun and definitely takes into consideration your wishes and preferences.  I was so fortunate to meet the love of my life and wife with Miwako’s help.  I highly recommend Miwako!”
Thank you again for everything!!!
Mr. W

Hello Miwako,
I am sitting here in the watermelon mansion in Hawaii with my beautiful wife C.
I truly want you to know I am the happiest man in the world .
I know you said she was difficult ,but I told you I love difficult .
Everyday more and more crazy about this woman. It's unbelievable. I am so happy .
Thank you so much for bringing this Japanese treasure to me.
She is amazing and beautiful.
I hope you are doing well and would love to see you again someday .
Thanks again so much.

Dear Miwako, 
I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with your introduction service.  As you know I met several nice ladies because of you. The last one is great. We are getting along very well and I think it will be long term. 


































入会当初に美和子さんが紹介してくれた男性とおつきあいしたのですが、その時はうまくいかなかったのです。 私は気にっていたのですが男性が、年齢差を気にしたのかタイミングが合わなかったのか残念ながら3ヶ月ほどでお別れになりました。 その後、私は美和子さんの紹介で彼氏ができてお付き合いをしました。その男性も美和子さんの紹介で彼女ができておつきあいをされていたそうです。

何年か後にちょうどお互いが一人になった時にまた美和子さんが再度その男性と引き合わせてくださいました。そして美和子さんの的確なアドバイスのおかげで今その彼とはとても良いお付き合いをしています。 彼も私もお互い一緒にいてとても楽しく居心地も良く、なんでも話せるしタイミングも良かったのではないかと思います。 これも美和子さんのあの言葉がなければ、今の関係はなかったと思います。私が見逃しそうだった彼からのサインなどを絶妙なタイミングで美和子さんが私に説明してプッシュしてくれました。本当に美和子さんのアドバイスを聞いてよかったです。








Miwako's Asian Connection Inc. is absolutely the best dating site I have ever had the opportunity to join, and I have tried some pretty good sites. Miwako Abe personally met me in a convenient public place for an in-depth introduction to her Asian Connection. I wanted to know all about her dating service, so I asked her many questions. She devoted her full attention to me the entire time and allowed a lot more time for the interview than I deserved.


I really like Miwako. She listened intently, and clearly explained the match-making process at Asian Connection. Although highly intuitive, she was quite honest with me about my strengths and weaknesses. She showed me a few initial sample photos and biographies. I could tell that she sincerely wanted to help me find the right woman.  Although she resides in southern California, I think that Miwako has Japanese connections all over the United States, Japan, and perhaps the world. 



I met Miwako through a business client of mine that I knew for about 5 years.  My experience with Miwako’s Asian Connection is very positive in the sense that the candidates that I met were very sincere women.  Miwako was able to match me with someone that had very similar characteristics that were important to the values that I feel that are enduring to a great long term relationship.  I would recommend this route to anyone who is serious in meeting someone without to trying to sort the many online profiles out there on other websites.  It adds a personal touch that I think is unapparelled even in today’s high tech world.  I met someone very quickly through Miwako and could not be happier with our match.  I know without Miwako we would have never met.



What can I say, Miwako provides the best service. She has a selection of very nice ladies. Miwako pays great attention to your needs to help match you with the right lady. I am very happy with her service and would recommend her highly. Thank you Miwako for all your help and great service. And for finding me a great match.



Google Translate











最初の結婚は恋愛タイプで失敗していたので、この方が良いかも!と、心地良さを感じて行きました。10日間の短期滞在の終わりには、今の夫とお付き合いする事をMiwakoさんに報告し、遠距離恋愛を約半年弱、LAでの交際から同棲、結婚と、数ヶ月のうちにバタバタと。 最初の1年間は、お互いの生活習慣や慣れない海外生活など、周りが心配をするほどひどく喧嘩もしましたし、自分を見失いそうにもなりましたが、良きマリッジカウンセラーさんに出逢い、根気よくお互いを理解し尊重し合い、結婚約2年で私の友人ばかりでしたが、日本で結婚式を挙げるまでになりました。


結婚がしたい!という思いが強くて、それを叶えるまではある意味簡単なのですが、その先が本当の結婚のスタートであり醍醐味。 今は2人で瞑想のクラスに通って、常にポジティブに、心の平穏を保つ努力をしています。共通の趣味は良いですね。今はかなり仲良しです。






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Hello Miwako


This is Greg, nothing important. 

I just want to say “Hi” to you & hope that you are well.

Kumiko & I are doing great, 

Our three year anniversary of meeting one another is coming in March.

We have been the perfect fit and enjoy a wonderful life together !

Thank you so much.


Hi Miwako


thank you for introducing me to the most beautiful and sexy women to me in the world. I am so happy and love every day with her.

we have been celabrating 5th anniversary this year.





They got married last month . I introduced them each other last August . 💕㊗️congratulations 🎈 

As I sit here on a Saturday evening at a tea cafe shop trying to think of how I would start this, pondering and rummaging through my mind on where to begin when suddenly I get a CNN notification on my phone.  Senator John McCain had passed away.  I would read articles about him and view through photos of his life, on CNN.  One can't help but read about the late Senator and the many things that he did for his country.  Through it all, he was always surrounded by his family, wife, kids, grandkids.  On that note, I shall begin here and how I met my wonderful, totally awesome wife!!!  hahahahaha...  Unlike a lot of people nowadays, I don't date often, and I prefer to not casually date someone or hook up simply just to have an occasional romp in the sack.  When I am in a relationship, I'm all in or it's simply just not worth doing.  The one thing I always tell myself and my friends, I always put 100% of myself into something or else I don't do it at all.  I try to never do things half-ass, always full-ass.  Of course, there are some things one cannot control like fate, destiny, love, the weather...  things like that.  :)


As the years rolled on, I knew I had to change the way I meet people and how I try to find that special someone in my life.  The various dating sites I would try wasn't working for me.  They may work for some people, but it wasn't for me.  Especially since I wanted to find someone Japanese.  There are various other qualities I was looking for in a person as well but deep down in my heart, I knew I wanted my special someone to be Japanese.  It's a personal preference like many other people have their own preferences.  Honestly, I even had a dream about this, but I'll save that story for another time.  hahahahahahaha...  


Knowing the type of person I wanted to spend my life with, I would initiate my search for a dating service or a match making service that would help me with this.  At last, I was lucky to have found Miwako-san's dating/match making service in a Japanese newspaper.  I was hesitant at first because I have never tried something like this before.  I didn't know what to expect and to be frank, I was nervous as heck.  Luckily, I am living in an age where online dating is common and a norm, speed dating is not frowned upon, and how people are more open minded about how couples meet.  


Miwako-san's service is very special and hands on, providing that one on one personal touch.  She offers great advice and incredible, inspirational motivation.  After every meeeting with someone she introduces to you, Miwako-san would always follow up to see how it went and always try to cheer you up if it went very, very badly.  And trust me, I've had those moments before.  It definitely takes you down a couple of notches, hahahaha...  But she would always be there to cheer you on to never give up and listen when you are feeling down after a disastrious date or break up.  Nothing in life is always 100% guaranteed especially finding someone to spend your life with but know this, Miwako-san will not give up on you.  She will try her best within her abilities to help you meet the right person.


From the first one-on-one meeting, one goes through the normal process and formalities with Miwako-san which entails questions and answers and profile assessments.  At that point Miwako-san would dive deeper in trying to understand what you are looking for in a person and the type of person you are looking for.  From there on, scheduled meeting appointments would be made and the rest is history...


Fastforward, I'm happily married to a person that is perfect for me.  She is both someone I want in my life, and someone I need in my life.  She is definitely my other half, the awesomely, wonderful half, hahahahaha...  Every now and then, Miwako-san would message me, follow up with long conversations to see how we are doing.  And I really appreciate that tremendously!!!  That's the type of person Miwako-san is...  a nice, caring individual that wants to help make people's lives more loving and happy.  :)  Sorry about the long winded story but know this, I had to cut out a lot of stuff, cut it down so it won't be a boring read, hahahahaha...  Take care and have a nice day everyone!!!


I introduced them each 15 yes ago .


They got married after 1 yr I introduced . They got a baby boy . Now baby boy is 14 yrs old .not baby boy any more .❤️💕


They have been happily married . Oh boy.Time passes by so fast .


This is what makes us happy ❤️ 

So grateful when our success couples share their photos and stories with us. Congrats! 


This pretty  30s couple celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary. Congratulation🎉


It was I who first introduced the two. She came to Los Angeles from Japan for couple weeks and meanwhile, they kept a date.


They kept long-distance relationship for six months and married❤️❤️❤️


I joined Miwako's Asian Connection 6 years ago. After 1 year I had an unforgettable first date. After the date I said out loud to myself, "I want to marry her," The days following our first date were lonely. I wanted to be with her. I called Miwakosan during this time to help me feel better. Fortunately, just 4 months later we married. Now we have a beautiful baby girl. I highly recommend Miwako's Asian Connection. 


Jeff & Atsuko